Virtual Talent Show – Tom Rolfe Productions

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We were tasked with providing the live stream for Tom Rolfe Productions and their virtual talent show. Tom had launched an online competition to find a star for an upcoming show, people entered by sending in a video. After that we took over and made everything look amazing and setup the online results show.

The live show consisted of 3 live judges who watched the entries with everyone else on the night. We also had over 120 people live on zoom watching the show, seeing the entries and hearing the comments from from the judges. The winners were chosen and announced on the night.

The setup was ran from our edit suite, using OBS to run the show and OBS Ninja to bring in the live judges. We created custom artwork and screen layouts to keep everything branded and professional. The judges could see the return feed and could also talk between themselves off screen. We then fed Zoom with the show so the contestants and audience could join in.

It was a huge success!