A Bitter Taste of Coal – Show Filming
One service we offer is Show Filming, and we were asked to film a unique play in Seaham recently. The play was called ‘A Bitter Taste of Coal’ and was performed by The Vane Tempest Theatre Group. It was a specially written play about a mining disaster that happened in Seaham, and that is still remembered to this day. The town turned out in great numbers to see the play and remember those who lost their lives.
The mining disaster happened in 1880 at the Seaham Colliery and claimed many lives. The drama written by Mick Smith & Steve English was performed amazingly by the cast and from someone who didn’t know the story, it really brought it home how much of a disaster it was. It was also a first for the new Seaham Town Hall, which was just about finished in time for the play to be staged.
We filmed the play over 2 nights with multiple cameras. We are currently editing it and will be producing the DVD’s for people to have has a great memory of the play, and the story.